This is something I wrote, heavily inspired by David L. Weatherford's poem "Slow Dance, which has been misused in sick kid hoax memes.
It warns not only about the problems with spreading sick kid hoaxes, but how friendships can break down when people become so dependent on memes.
Slow Down
By Ocean Elf
Have you ever watched the memes
Coming round and round?
And felt as your head
Hit the wall then the ground
Ever followed emotion's
Erratic flight?
Then gazed at the screen
And screamed "This isn't right!"
You'd better slow down.
Don't forward so fast.
Time is short.
The patience won't last.
Do you share it anyway,
Without asking why
Your friends and you
Keep getting meme lies?
When the day is done
Do you lie in your bed,
With thoughts of fictitious meme kids
Running through your head?
You'd better slow down
Don't share it so fast.
Time gets wasted.
The tolerance won't last.
Ever told your friend,
I've sworn off re-shares starting tomorrow?
Then in your haste,
re-shared another meme sorrow?
Ever lost touch,
Let a good friendship die
Cause you never had time
To send anything but meme lies?
You'd better slow down.
Don't share it so fast.
Time is run out.
The friendship won't last.
When you move so fast
To pass it on everywhere,
That is no way
To show you really care.
When you worry and hurry
To re-share away
It is like holding onto the wrappings
and throwing the gift away.
Time can't be replaced
Don't squander and waste it in vain.
Hear the call
To break the stupid chain!
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