

More Double Trouble

A woman who was watching her little girl on the jungle gym caught sight of Ariel and NT as they were going for a walk. She remembered seeing "NT" at the mall earlier, pushing her own daughter around, and now was as good a time as any to confront the girl and her mother about it.

She muttered to her daughter, then walked over to Ariel. "Ye're her mama?" She indicated NT and sniffed. "I'd be ashamed ta show my face in public if I was you. My girl's half yer daughter's age an' she knows better how ta behave than that."

"Excuse me?" NT stared at her, confused.

"Just what are you talking about? She's never even met you before, how dare you!"

"Don't ya be tellin' me who I've met an' who I haven't, lady. Julia an' I just saw her at th'mall not an hour ago."

"No, you didn't. I didn't go to a mall today." Nt said.

Julia heard her name and came running up. "An' she pushed me out o'line. Or tried ta!"

"I didn't!" NT almost wailed.

"You're mistaken, lady. NT was with me the entire morning! She stayed at home with me while her sister went shopping. Unless it's Miranda that's gone and done something again."

"She's not even my sister." NT muttered, but was starting to realize what must've happened.

"I don't know what ye're tryin' ta pull 'ere. But I'm tellin' ya I saw her. With another girl, a real pretty one too."

"No, I just got here. I've been home until now." NT said.

Ariel shook her head. "You are off your rockers."

"Don't ya be callin' me crazy, now! I'm tellin' ya I saw 'er an' another girl too." She looked around and, seeing a boy with reddish blond hair going by, nodded. "Th' other girl had that color hair."

"Miranda has that color hair, and she's the one who's been misbehaving lately. NT here has given me no trouble and she certainly wouldn't shove some little kid around!"

"Miranda probably has friends who might, but it sure as heck wouldn't be me." said NT, who was beginning to feel persecuted.

"I dunno Miranda is, but th' redhead weren't th' one what pushed Julia out o' line!" the woman shouted. "There were two girls t'gether. Th'redhead was tryin ta talk sense t'tha other."

"And it certainly wasn't my daughter here!" Ariel retorted, indicating NT.

"An' I'm tellin' ya it was. You callin' me a liar?"

"I'm saying you don't know what you're talking about!" Ariel shot back.

"It wasn't me!" NT looked helplessly from Ariel to the woman and back again.

The woman snorted, shaking her head. She stalked off, taking her daughter with her and muttering something about no wonder kids today are such a mess.

NT, upset at being accused of something she didn't do for the second time that week, started to cry. Once again, Ariel, who was shaking with rage, still had to find it in her to comfort NT. There was nothing else to do but go home, NT was far too despirited to continue anything at the park.

Once home, NT went straight to her room to have a good cry. In desperation she even tried to search out her double so she could stop it. But nothing came up. This was because it had been programmed by none other than Tonya Harper to zap out of existance if NT searched for it, and re-materialize again when the coast was clear.


In the meantime, Miranda was having the time of her life with Tonya, and the fake NT they had cooked up for purposes of getting the real one in trouble and ruining her reputation. They took in a movie, then went to a computer store, where Titania Ross's boyfriend, Jesse Lein worked. Here, Miranda and Tonya really planned for their little apparition to put on a show.

Fake NT and Miranda walked into the computer store, and up to Jesse Lein at the counter. He was surprised to see them come into the store. "What can I do for you?"

"I need a new computer." said Miranda.

"Desk top, notebook, mac, Pentium--"

"Something that's reasonably priced and has a lot of good stuff, like my old one did. I'm thinking about a pentium."

"Jesse!" NT2 exclaimed as she came up behind Miranda, smiling naughtily at him.

"NT? I didn't expect to see you up and about already." Jesse nearly added something about her and Miranda apparently getting along now but thought better of it. Didn't NT have some problems with motor coordination only last spring after a concussion from a fall? Jesse knew she sure didn't look this good the night he and Titania had gone to visit, and they had been invited to Danae's friend Kristina's around that time.

Another thing that surprised him was Miranda's friendliness. She had seemed downright hostile the night of the visit. ~Teenagers, go figure.~ he thought.

Shrugging slightly, he addressed Miranda. "Well, why don't you look around at what we have, and if you have any questions, just yell."

"Sure, thanks." Miranda walked away, going into the first of several aisles of computers.

Jesse then turned to NT2. "How are you doing, NT? You're looking much better now than you were,"

She didn't answer at first, but gave him another once-over, again appearing as if she were sizing him up. Then she smiled. "That's right."

Jesse smiled back, "That's good to hear. You had it rough for a while there."

"That's over." she replied.

Jesse wasn't sure what to say to this. He decided it was better to change the subject. "Are you looking for a new computer or is there something else I can get for you?"

She leaned forward, showing herself off in her low cut top and bare arms. "You're looking pretty good yourself, you know that?"

Jesse blushed. "I don't know about that, NT."

"I'd like to look at a....computer...yes." NT2 almost cooed.

"Got a certain kind in mind?"

"Oh, I don't know," she said slowly, "why don't you...show me."

Jesse moved away from the counter: "why don't you come over here and help your sister out, and if you have any questions just ask me."

"Miranda...can look all by herself, you know?" she looked up at Jesse, wide eyed. "I'd really like it if you helped me...find one." She moved down an aisle where there was a wide selection of home computers and parts.

Jesse, who was starting to feel quite uncomfortable, agreed. It seemed NT was..No, she couldn't be, she was not that kind of girl, and for goodness sake she was so young.

Jesse walked with NT2 down the row, "Are you looking for a desktop or notebook?" he asked, hoping she would start showing some interest in the computers and not him.

But NT2 used the opportunity to get even closer to him.

Jesse had always held a special place in his heart for NT but he knew something was definitely off. "There's these pentium notebooks here, but they're a bit more expensive than these down here that do just as much really." Jesse moved further away from NT2.

She moved even closer. "I'd really like to see your…computers."

Jesse stifled a nervous chuckle. "well, there they are, right in front of you. How about I set one up?" He moved away and reached out an arm as if to take one of the computers off the shelf. "Here's one of my favorite Windows laptops. And there's a Macbook there, a little more expensive but better security. Then there are the notebooks. Not as powerful, but great if you want something affordable in a tiny package." And he started rattling off some of the things each respective model could do as he indicated them.

NT2 touched his arm. "How about let's talk about something...else." She got even closer.

Jesse realized what she was doing and tried to back away. "Uh...NT..." He pulled away.

NT2 pressed up against him. He backed away. She got closer, and he continued to try to back away. This was definitely not right!

Finally, he had to say something about it. "NT, please, cut this out!"

NT2 flashed a smile of pure wickedness.

Jesse was nearing panic now. Suddenly "NT" didn't seem so sweet and innocent any more. She had him backed up against a row of shelves...demn it what was he going to have to do to get through to her? "Look NT. I'm not exactly available."

"Playing hard to get are we?" NT2 giggled.

"I'm not playing anything! Now if you can't cut this out, I'll call security!"

Before he could say anything else, she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him. Hard. Full on the lips.

Jesse finally lost what little composure he had and literally pushed her hard away from him, or at least tried to, but she was hugging him too hard. He tried to put up a struggle, to yell at her to get away, but all that came out was a muffled gurgle.

It was at this time, the worst possible moment that Titania Ross entered the store. On seeing Jesse in the arms of another woman, her mouth dropped open in shock.

Jesse managed to look out of the corner of his eye and saw the last person he wanted to see standing in the doorway - Titania. ~Oh help.~

"What the--!!!" Titania exclaimed, dropping the bags she held and running over to them. "Jesse, what the heck are you doing with that girl!"

NT2 let go of Jesse and turned to stare coldly at Titania.

"NT!? What the hex?" Titania exclaimed.

"It's not how it looks!" Jesse cried out, turning five shades of red all at once and wishing all of a sudden he had never gotten out of bed that morning.

Titania glared at him. "Yeah, right, I shoulda known!" her voice shook with emotion.

"Tani!" Jesse pleaded, but before he could say any more, NT2 cut in.

"Oh don't get your knickers in a twist, sister." she snapped."We were just having a little...chat. You got a problem with that?"

"Chat my foot!" Titania flung back. "You were all over him like a cheap suit!"

"And she was most unwelcome!" Jesse tried to get a word in.

Titania continued to rant, at Jesse first. "Oh bs. What do you think I am, stupid? it didn't look like you minded too much - you could've fought her off easily!" Then she turned to NT2. "Butting in! You have no business throwing yourself at Jesse!"

"And why not? " NT2 chuckled, glaring at Titania. "I think he's kind of cute. And he deserves a lot better than the likes of you."

"Oh, brother!" Titania sneered. "Wait until Ariel hears of this!"

"So what?" NT2 rolled her eyes at Titania. "Geesh talk about butting in. She'd never believe a jealous, insecure little louse like you anyway!"

Titania turned very red with indignation and anger. "Why you..._"

"I was fighting her off, Tani, but she had me backed into a corner!" Jesse interposed, trying to difuse the tension before it turned into a physical confrontation between the two girls.

But NT2 was intent on keeping it going. Leering at Titania, she said, "Where'd you find that outfit, anyway, the reject pile at the Salvation Army?"

"Don't you talk to Tani like that!" Jesse yelled at NT2, his temper rising. "What's wrong with you, NT!?"

NT2 stared at Jesse for a moment. "What're you sticking up for *her* for!"

Titania raged next. "You're the last person to talk about rejects, NT! Just get the hex away from Jesse and stay away from me!" Titania shouted.

"Titania, please...You can't expect the mice not to play if the cat's not around." NT2 condescended to her.

"What a little fool I've been!" Titania retorted. "I should've known no one would ever really care about me, not even you, Jesse! And as for you," with a venomous glare at NT2, "You backstabbing ho! Shoulda known your sweetness and light act was just that, an act! you're a phony, two-faced little tramp!"

"Oh, grow up already..." NT2 sneered scornfully.

"Never-mind playing the gentleman, Jesse, if it's her you want, I'm so sorry for messing up your freakin life!" With that, Titania turned to leave.

"Tani, don't run away! This was all her, I never did or would encourage it! As for you," glaring at NT2, "that's all you are, a stinking little mouse!"

This comment of Jesse's pleased Titania, so she didn't storm off, but neither could she trust it to be sincere.

NT2 just rolled her eyes at Jesse's comment, ignoring it she retorted to Titania. "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen, wench." She shook her head. "Geesh, some people just can't stand competition. But then no wonder, you could never compete with the real women anyway." she sneered.

Titania had had all she could take. "You want competition, you got it, bimbo!" With that, she lunged at NT2 and swung her purse, hitting her on the side of the head.

"Who are you calling bimbo, cow!" yelled NT2, swinging back at her.

"Girls!" Jesse tried to break it up, but his plea fell on deaf ears.

"OK, little scank, you asked for it!" Titania began punching and clawing at NT2, who hissed and began giving back as good as she was getting.

Jesse made another try at breaking up the fight, but only got scratched and kicked at for his efforts.

NT2 kicked at Titania, in the process her leg struck a nearby rack of Windows software and sent it crashing to the floor.

"Way to go, Windows NT!" Titania jeered, referring to a now obsolete windows operating system. "Look what you did!"

"NT, Tani, cut it out!" Jesse pleaded.

NT2 ignored him and looked daggers at Titania. "Oh that's so like you. Blame everything on everybody else."

"NT!" Jesse cried again, but neither she nor Titania were paying any attention.

"And you don't, I suppose! Geez, what a hypocrite!" Titania continued yelling at NT2. You are the most stupid, childish, clueless person on the planet! You know nothing about me and you're too dense to take a freakin hint!"

"You're the one who's stupid!" NT2 yelled back.

"I must be if I ever thought you could be a friend, traitor!"

"Oh cut the 'woe is me' stuff; if you knew how to keep a guy interested do you think I'd ever have gotten close!!"

"NT...Tani..." Jesse was nearly wailing by now, but still neither girl was listening, they were focused on each other as if he wasn't even there.

"You harpee, if you're one of those airheads that thinks you have to go around acting stupid and breaking people up to get a guy then you really need help!" Titania flung back.

"I'll teach you who's an airhead!!" NT2 screamed. It seemed as if Titania had finally struck a very sore spot with her at last.

"That won't be hard to do, I got the airhead study standing right in front of me!" Titania made a very rude gesture.

NT2 growled and swung at Titania again. "You stupid cow I'll make you eat that finger!!"

Titania managed to dodge the blow, but in the process she fell against another rack of software, and it, too, was knocked over. "I'll make *you* eat crow!" she yelled back.

And on it went like that, despite the attempts by Jesse and several other employees and customers to stop it.

Finally in sheer desperation, Jesse called security, but by the time they arrived, NT2 had vanished, leaving Titania holding the bag.

Miranda was among the customers, trying very hard not to laugh out loud. She had planned for NT2 to come on to Jesse and perhaps raise a ruckus in the store if he spurned her advances, but with Titania showing up, this was going far better than she had originally thought.

Back at the house,Ariel had begun dinner preparations, Pippi came in the door with her packages and put them down on the kitchen table.

Seeing Ariel bustling about the kitchen, Pippi caught her eye. "I'm glad you're home," she said gravely. "I've got to talk to you. Where's NT?"

Ariel rolled her eyes. "OK, what's Miranda done now?"

"It's not her this time." Pippi replied. Where is NT?"

"Up in her room."

"She hasn't been out shopping today?"

"No, Pippi, she's been with me all day. Why?"

"I was at the mall earlier, passing by the food court and I heard someone yelling at a waitress. " Pippi took a deep breath. "and - this one seemed a little familiar. I took a closer look to be sure. The young girl was the spitting image of NT. You don't even want to know the kind of language she was using."

"NT was here with me all morning and afternoon! She never left my side for a moment!" Ariel paused and thought for a moment.

Pippi continued. "I don't think she saw me, but I stuck around for a few minutes to get a good look at her. If it wasn't NT, it was - " Pippi broke off and looked at Ariel. "her - evil - double." she said slowly as the pieces started coming together.

Pippi put a hand on Ariel's. "I wish I knew for sure, but I have my suspicions. That Tonya Harper's had it in for NT since she set eyes on her. And given Miranda's connections to her father, I wouldn't be surprised if her friend Tonya is also a dark mage of some sort.
