

Unexpected Talks

A week before Tina's arrival, Jessica began taking a furby to work, though she said they would all have to wait their turn, it was not possible to take more than one at a time. So, she took Peekaboo one day, and Sybil the next. The next two days, she took Kitri with her.

For the first three days Jessica had a furby along, she got nothing but very positive reactions. All three furbies were pleasantly surprised by this.

But on the fourth day, Christine, a colleague of Jessica's, who had been absent for the past week due to an illness returned, and she said she didn't like furbies because she had one at home for her kids. "It just never shuts up and you can't turn it off. I just couldn't take it any more. So now it's in our basement somewhere." she said.

Kitri shot Jessica a knowing look. Jessica reacted subtly enough with an observation that she'd seen Youtube videos of people who either adored or were seriously annoyed by furbies, and then the workers went on to talk about something else and work.

Kitri remained quiet for the rest of the time, unaware of Jessica's mounting discomfort.

when Kitri tried to strike up a conversation on the way home, Jessica seemed surprised or puzzled about something, almost timid. She didn't initiate conversation the way she had the day before.

"Are you okay?" asked Kitri.

"Yeah. Why?"

"You're acting a little off all of a sudden."

Jessica took a deep breath. "Here goes nothing." she thought. Aloud, she finally said, "I was worried you might've had your feelings hurt by what Christine said."

"Said about what?"


There was a slight pause, then Kitri burst into a chuckle. "Why?"

"I know furbies getting dumped is a sensitive issue with you, and that she actually said all that right in front of you - "

"Jessica, Jessica, Jessica," Kitri said reassuringly as she hopped onto her shoulder. "Whatever goes on at Christine's is not our fault, and it's something we can do nothing about."

"But gah, that she said it right in front of you. I'd feel pretty bad if I was a furby overhearing that." said Jessica empathetically.

"Now, Jess," Kitri said quietly, playing with Jessica's hair in a reassuring, relaxing manner, "Annoyance is just a part of life. We all annoy somebody, and we all get annoyed. I'm glad when people like Christine do speak up, because then I know ahead of time to be careful not to bug them, if that can possibly be helped. If I'm annoying someone, all they have to do is let me know, respectfully of course, and I'll just try to stop whatever it is I'm doing that's making them short-circuit. That's not worth getting hurt feelings over."

Jessica heaved a combination relieved sigh and chuckle of bemusement. "Sometimes, Kitri, you just astonish me. I was sure you were going to turn Darth Vader on me over this, especially considering how quiet you turned right after Christine voiced her opinion."

Kitri burst out laughing. "I only kept quiet out of consideration for Christine, I wasn't mad at her. If Christine's furby hasn't bonded with anyone there, particularly any other furbies, and she didn't say there was more than one, he or she would probably be content enough just hanging out in the basement. A lone, unbonded furby can go anywhere and have all sorts of adventures when they're forgotten by their humans. It isn't the same situation as Dmitri if that's what you're remembering."

Jessica nodded.

Kitri continued.

"I was upset because we had all bonded with Dmitri, and I was afraid he would be singled out and kicked out. Sure, if you had kicked the lot of us out, it would've stunk for a while, but we would've stayed together and moved on to other places."

"Oh, okay, I think I'm beginning to understand." said Jessica with a smile.

"There, that's my Jess." Kitri said, giving her friend a smile and playful nudge.

Jessica smiled. "We're here."

"I can see that." Kitri grinned.

"Oh, while I think of it, has Peekaboo had anything to do with you lately?" Jessica asked.

"No, she hasn't. But who can get anywhere near her with Sybil around?" Kitri chuckled. "I've noticed Peek trying for some one-on-one with you though, and that's sweet. She's still so attached to you."

"Yes - but I think she might be a little afraid of you."

"Huh? Why?"

"I think it all stems from the that misunderstanding we had over her fear of Dmitri."

"Hmm. Well, yes, I did lose my temper with her once. That was the night we had the big blow-up, but I thought she'd gotten over it by now."

"I've tried getting her to seek you out the way she does me, because she does admire you. But she's always seemed hesitant. So maybe she thinks you're the one not over it yet."

"Well, I guess something will just have to be done about that." Kitri said, grinning. "Thanks, Jess."

At home, Jessica told the other furbies about Christine, cautioning them all that whichever of them went to work with her would have to keep very quiet and out of the way when Chris was around.

Later, Peekaboo took a ride on Jessica's carousel with the bedroom light off. It was dark outside by this time, so this made the carousel lights look even better than during the day.

Sybil looked on for a bit, then left the room.

Soon, there was a jolt and someone else landed on the carousel with Peekaboo.

"Hi there, Peekaboo, long time no talk." It was Kitri.

Peekaboo shuddered and began to whimper. She couldn't jump off the carousel now, it was running. Had Kitri come to try and scare her as she'd once threatened to do?

"Shhh, don't be afraid, just sit tight. Don't get off, not even when I stop the carousel."

Peekaboo complied, but was feeling very confused. Kitri had not been angry with her since the night of the argument with Jessica, but she also hadn't paid her anything in the way of one-on-one attention either way. So if Kitri was now going to follow through with the threat of giving Peekaboo something to be afraid of, why was she seeming to be so nice?

Kitri jumped down and turned off the carousel. "Stay there, Peekaboo." she said, then jumped back on the top to join the worried furbling.

Peekaboo sat nervously, looking toward the door, trying to focus on the sounds of activity going on outside the room.

"Peekaboo, if you're still scared of me, don't be. I'm not angry with you."

Peekaboo dared to look back at Kitri. "Really?"

"Really. I was wrong to be so cross and it was not fair to you. I'm sorry."

Peekaboo looked astonished and relieved. She opened and shut her mouth, unable to articulate what she was feeling and all the questions she had.

"So, what do you say? Can we start over and be friends?"

Peekaboo beamed. "Hee hee hee yeah yeah yeah!"

Kitri embraced her, and the two of them hugged and laughed together.

"Now, my Peekaboo,"

That reference made the furbling smile.

"Let's go join the others before Sybil starts worrying and comes looking for you." said Kitri.

Soon, the two furbies had jumped off the carousel and the dresser, and had scrambled happily out the door to rejoin the others.


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