And they never even touched on one really important lesson - Your personally written notes are always better than memes.
This stupid meme has been around in one form or another since as far back as 1998, and people are still being hoodwinked into spreading it!
🧐Meme: Five Lessons About the Way We Treat People
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Not so much… More like, Five Ways To Yank People's Hearts To Get them re-sharing!
🧐Meme: 1 – First Important Lesson – Cleaning Lady
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: also known as Dorothy… Yes, I like to reveal spoilers, not that this thing has much of a plot anyway.
🧐Meme: During my second month of college, our professor Gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: You were so smart that you decided to make a chain letter about it, telling the rest of us how to be?
“🧐Meme: What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Who knows? C'mon, the students and the cleaning lady or janitor never see one another so why should they know her name? Does she know all of them by name? of course not. Just because she has a job as school janitor doesn't mean she's craving attention and wants her name up in lights. How are they even going to find this out in the first place if they - were never introduced - never run into her during their time at the college? I mean, the student residents, sure, they may know who she is, but you never said you were living on campus.
🧐Meme: Surely this was some kind of joke.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Coming from you, that's hardly surprising…
🧐Meme: I had seen the Cleaning woman several times. She was tall, Dark-haired and in her 50′s, but how would I know her name?
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: If you say so… No, I don't buy it. I never ran into the school janitors, at least, not that I can remember. Teachers cleaned up messes we made or we did it ourselves if we could. The janitors came in to sweep etc after school hours. Sometimes there'd be plumbing problems or big spillage out in a hall that was taken care of by staff, but how was I to know which staff? The mess was there when I went down the hall once, and ot there when I went back that way later on in the day.
🧐Meme: I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Yawn*
🧐Meme: “Absolutely,” said the professor. “In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say “hello.”
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, brother, another pompous, self-righteous chain professor trying to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony, well, he's hitting a pretty sour note with me, and so are you.
🧐Meme: I’ve never forgotten that lesson.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Yes I'm sure you haven't, but now you think the world needs a meme lesson on learning people's names and smiling, oh, give me a picking' break!
🧐Meme: I also learned her name was Dorothy.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: well goody for you. Want some kind of award for that?
🧐Meme: 2 – Second Important Lesson – Pickup in the Rain
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Bogus story snipped out* The Mrs. Nat King Cole story isn't true, not about her or Donald Trump or anyone else. Besides, if it really had happened, why would she sign a note that way? "Mrs. nat King Cole"? That version of the story assumes she's so lost and caught up in celebrity and her husband's identity that she's willing to shed her own for the sake of status and male dominance. "Look at me, I'm the wife of a big celebrity!" No, I'm pretty sure she would've signed her own name and probably not even mentioned being Nat King cole's wife. You just failed at trying to make yourself look super noble, important and nearly famous. You're just notorious…For telling big whoppers.
🧐Meme: 3 – Third Important Lesson – Always Remember Those Who Serve
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And always serve those who will remember you - wasn't this already covered in "lessons" 1 and 2 with the janitor and the fake Mrs. Nat King Cole? Please, give it a rest already!
🧐Meme: In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less,
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: That could be any time, really, with prices always going up along with cost of living, wages etc. So when was this exactly?
Never. It didn't happen at all.
🧐Meme: a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Why? I mean, where are his parents? His siblings if he had any? His friends? A ten year old boy at a table all by himself in a hotel coffee shop, doesn't make much sense to me.
🧐Meme: A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And the plot boils but doesn't thicken.
🧐Meme: “How much is an ice cream sundae?” he asked.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Kid, get a menu and read it…
🧐Meme: “Fifty cents,” replied the waitress.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Yawn*
🧐Meme: The little boy pulled his hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: right, gotta make sure to put that "little" in there, and not just call him simply a "boy" to really up the emotional heart-yank, this kid is a perfect little boy who just wants a sundae, awww, how totally precious! *Gag*
🧐Meme: "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?” he inquired.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Right, poor little Precious ain't gots da money… *Rolling eyes* I can see where this is going. Somebody's gonna end up in tears, but it isn't gonna be me.
🧐Meme: By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: usually there is more than just one waitress, oh, but this is a meme coffee shop where all the staff has to be numbered just so in order to make a perfectly dreadful sob story and "lesson" out of it…
So, what, just suddenly ZING! All these people file in out of nowhere, just like that as this kid is trying to order an ice cream? Like that's some sort of cue for the place to fill up with customers at lightning speed in order to heap the right amount of stress upon the one waitress so she'll snap? Yeah, that's got to be the game plan here.
The waitress could simply tell him the price and then say she'll be right back to take his order, and excuse herself from the table to wait on the crowd that suddenly came in. That's what's usually done. Oh, but then that would be too sensible and not make for a super cheesy glurge meme.
🧐Meme: “Thirty-five cents,” she brusquely replied.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Dong, there it goes, she's just snapped at a kid, the big turning point of this chain. It won't be long now before little Precious does some sort of big reveal and one or both of them will end up having major water works…
🧐Meme: The little boy again counted his coins. “I’ll have the plain ice cream,” he said.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: There it goes again with "the little boy" stuff. I'm really starting to detest this kid.
🧐Meme: The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Yawn*
🧐Meme: When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: thought as much, there it goes, didn't I tell ya? Someone did end up in tears, just like I said they would. Seems to me this waitress has had an absolutely crappy day to suddenly fall apart.
🧐Meme: There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, Were two nickels and five pennies..
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Um okay, so this kid gave her a huge whopping 30% tip instead of ordering what he really wanted, even though she was a basket case, oh, brother! That's what I mean when pointing out how evil these annoying chain letter children are, always managing to somehow show up adults in these stupid story memes, always managing to reduce adults to tears, both in the story as well as in the real world as re-posters weep and gush over these insidious kender.
🧐Meme: You see, he couldn’t have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Oh, c'mon, that kid's way too altruistic to be real. he's as phoney as a 35cent piece. You'll never convince me some ten-year-old boy is so saintly that he'll pass up a sundae for plain ice cream just to give a snarky waitress who yells at him a 30% tip! And what sort of kick do you get out of humiliating this waitress anyway? isn't it enough she's already getting a next to nothing for pay and having to deal with rotten customers, demanding boss, the whole bit, never mind what might be going on in her personal life, you inflict this incredibly odious guilt-tripping kid and his antics on her?
What was the lesson again? That we should all leave 30% tips because that's remembering service and we should all behave like this fake kid so we'll wrack up big brownie points or something?
Forget it. I'll go ahead and order my ice cream with the works on it, no tips from me if the server is grumpy, over-the-top fake happy happy joy joy, or flirty… Having said that, I also think it should be the establishment who pays the server a good wage…
A final note about this one - you can't sweeten chain letters with ice cream, and use it to hold my emotions. It ends rather badly as you can see here as well as in the following examples:
Babysitter Beatrice Jessica and Holly The Ice Cream Sundae Brat And The Red Mirror Gallery Of Sick Kid Hoaxes
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