Beyond The Naughty List

Happy New Year, Evil Elves

After the initial capture of the rogue elves, everything went well up until Christmas. Santa and staff were so preoccupied with the usual Christmas rush, and thought they had the bases covered by Shawn's disabling teleport capability out of the confinement area the troublesome elves were in.

Those elves who weren't working on the making of gifts were dismissed for the Christmas and New Year break, however, some stuck around to help put on the annual Christmas and New Year's Eve shows.

Fairies who were not on Santa's staff such as the Sugar Plum Fairy and NT, went back to their homes over Christmas, as did the Ocean Elf, who remained dissatisfied that Santa vetoed any idea of evil elf termination until after Christmas.

Killer, having shown no desire to escape or oppose Santa, was released, though it was mandatory that a trusted staff member be with him at all times.

So, Neil and Killer had a wonderful Christmas at Santa's.

But all of Elfnet received an awful surprise message just after dinner on Christmas Day.


To: Elfnet

From: "Like I'd Tell You"

Subj: Merry Critmas!

So, ho ho ho, Santa and all you underlings. You really thought you could keep me locked up? Just goes to show I'm smarter than all of you put together. There are other ways of getting away besides teleport. Speaking of which, I have a little something to give to the fair and beautiful Nadine for her part in trying to capture me. Expect me to come by your place tonight.

Oh, and the best part of all this? Bethany's aunt won't be having a merry Critmas this year. Her guts were delicious!

So to all, a very

Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas Merry Critmas

Ah hahahaha ... Ha ha ha ha!

Your Worst Nightmare Elf


This caused a flurry of activity as elves went about securing their homes, or for those living in the complex itself, their apartments. Many messaged Santa so that his email and social network accounts went crazy.

This was how Santa and Mrs. Claus found out about the escape of the worst of the lot.

As Santa and Jessica Claus were trying to figure out how it happened, there was a doorbell, followed by a pounding on the door.

"If that's who I think it is," Mrs. Claus started to say, and then a voice from outside sang:

"Let - me in - it's freezing cold out, fa-la-la-la-la, la la, la, la!"

Santa and Mrs. Claus looked at each other and grinned. "Ocean Elf." they said in unison, then burst out laughing.

"I'll let her in." Santa said.

"Should we tell her about the escape?"

"Not unless she brings the subject up. It's bad enough our staff was taunted by that letter, I wish that elf had only written to me."

Santa opened the door, and Ocean needed no invitation or encouragement to step inside.

The visit started out normally enough, with exchange of Christmas greetings, and Ocean thanked Santa for the gifts he brought her. But Ocean didn't waste much time on chitchat.

"Can I get you some hot cocoa or some other hot drink, and cookies?" Santa volunteered. "I've picked up enough cookies last night to feed a whole country for a day."

"I'm not *that* hungry," Ocean quipped, causing Santa and Mrs. Claus to burst out laughing. She flashed them a grin and said, "Hot cocoa and a cookie is just fine. But what you can get me is Bethany's aunt's address."

Santa looked at her, puzzled.

Ocean continued. "News just reached Mission Headquarters of the escape. That's why I'm here."

Santa frowned ruefully. "I'd been second-guessing my mandate of putting off dealing with these individuals until after Christmas all along, but now I realize I probably should've just handed that elf over to you."

"I wish you had," Ocean responded, "or that I had just gone and grabbed him while I had the chance, naughty list or no naughty list." She shook her head, then continued. "But there's no time to do woulda coulda shoulda."

This brought about more chuckles from Santa and Mrs. Claus.

Santa fixed some hot cocoa and gave her a couple of large cookies. Mrs. Claus picked up a full-sized iPad and brought up the information Ocean was requesting. The address, and a map of the area.

They let Ocean study it while she ate and drank.

"Santa!" a tiny elf came rushing in, growing as he did.

Ocean saw what was happening and nearly choked on her drink. "What - the...!?"

"Killer..." Santa said, recognizing him, then his eyes went wide as he watched the elf grow. "Killer?" Ocean repeated.

"He was never given a name on The Shelf as far as we know." said Mrs. Claus.

"What's happening?" Killer squeaked.

"I bet I know. The Shelf magic is wearing off. You'll be back to the size you were before you were on shelf duty." said Mrs. Claus.

"Ugh." said Ocean. "If this is shelf stuff, that means Chet and Zippy might grow when they're up here too."

"Yes." said Mrs. Claus.

"Oh boy, I better hurry and make sure they don't just walk out of here." said Santa, and he turned and hurried away.

"I thought you had them secured." said Ocean.

"Yes, during the time the Shelf Magic is in effect."

Ocean huffed. "Everybody always takes the minimal approach." She muttered.

Santa ran down various halls until he reached the place where the naughty elves were being held.

He was just in time to see Zippy, still standing in the bottom of his box, toss the top across the room.

Zippy, now full-sized, stepped out of that box bottom, turned, and glared when he saw Santa.

"Santa said to him, "Welcome back, Zippy, or should I say, Quinn..."

Quinn was Zippy's real name, the name he had been given at birth, long before he was ever on The Shelf.

Quinn looked blankly at Santa, for once, he couldn't come up with a snarky remark. Then he grimaced and looked about to say something when it was Chet's turn to grow to regular size.

Santa greeted him with "Welcome back Chet Chandler." Chandler of course was Chet's pre-Shelf name. Then he said to the two, "What have you to say for yourselves?"

"I guess it was sort of fun while it lasted." said Chet/Chandler."

"You won't get another chance. I am barring you from any contact with children."As for you, Quinn, I think - " Santa paused for a moment, then asked Zippy/Quinn, "What are you pointing at?"

Quinn shook his head. "Her." he said. "I thought we were rid of her."

"What are you talking about?" Santa started to ask, and almost turned away, but thought better of it. "Nice try, Quinn, you're not going to make a break for it that way."

"A soft chuckle behind him caused him to turn and look. "Ocean!" He looked at the smirking elf for a moment.

"And who else but..." She replied smugly.

Zippy Quinn and Chet Chandler hissed.

"But you were supposed to be back at the main house." said Santa.

"if I stayed where everybody thought I should be, I wouldn't get anywhere in life." she quipped.

Santa laughed. "So, what made you follow me down here? As if I need to ask." he added with a grin.

"Curiosity, and in case you might need some help keeping these guys in line." she replied.

"Thank you for your assistance." said Santa. "And yes, you were always a curious elf, sometimes too much so."

"I still don't understand how anybody can call that person an elf." said Zippy/Quinn. "She suits her name anyway, as far as elves go, she's as big as an ocean."

"Care to find out more, Zippy?" Ocean said, fixing Zippy with a predatory gaze.

"Quinn, you haven't learned anything from Buddy? He's as much an elf as anyone, and the tallest one I know."

"Yeah, remember what I said about elves and trolls, Quinny." Ocean taunted.

"Ocean..." Santa said reproachfully, raising an eyebrow.

"Well, at least now I know what they really look like, and what their names actually are," she replied, "and you didn't have to deal with that twerp during his transport here."

By now, Zippy's and Chet's restoration to their original appearances was complete.

Zippy/Quinn was much taller now, but his eyes stayed the same icy blue. His hair was a glossy blond.

Chet was even taller, and he was a stocky looking, coarse-featured elf with dark green eyes and light brown hair.

"Oh come on, don't listen to her," Zippy/Quinn retorted, "It's not as if she's innocent either. You should see how she treats us when you're not around!"

"Yeah, I shake and hit them...Because they got their kicks terrorizing children and causing problems the family... I have reason. They," she gestured toward the two rogue elves, "don't have any excuse."

"You're mad at us for what you think we did to somebody else?" Chet snarked.

"Enough! Santa raised his voice at him. "If you hadn't done it, there would be nothing for her to find out." Turning back to Ocean, he said, "Have you got all the information you need on Bethany's killer elf?"

Ocean nodded. "I should be on my way. Thanks for helping me out with that."

"You're welcome. And by the way, you are invited to our program to ring in the new year."

"Oh, no!" Chet groaned.

"Thank you, Santa! I'll be there, if I can."

"It wouldn't be complete without you." said Santa.

Ocean chuckled. "You're a hard one to figure out, Santa Sir, one moment, I'm on the brink of falling into the naughty list, the next, you're inviting me to an event."

"Well, maybe it isn't me who's so hard to figure out," Santa quipped back.

Later that night, Bethany's Elf had returned to Bethany's Aunt's. He was quite certain Santa and his friends would be too worried about the threat directed at Nadine to look for the evil elf back at the place where he also bragged about making another kill. He also thought that boast would make certain everyone would just believe him and give up any idea of checking the place out.

He sat on the open window sill of Bethany's aunt's bedroom, waiting for her to come in and get ready for bed; because on this night, Christmas night, he planned to kill and eat her.

He didn't notice the tiny creature that managed to climb up the outside of the house and now settled next to him on the sill.

The last thing he remembered was turning to face outward and leaning out rather than into the room, because something, a noise or shadow, had caught his attention and he wanted to get a better look.

When he did, he toppled out of the window and crash-landed on the back deck steps.

He was out cold.

"Well done, Cordelia." Ocean said as she hurried toward the steps to collect the evil elf.

"Pika, chu!" The miniature pokemon called back proudly as she climbed down the wall to get back to her owner.

But Ocean did not destroy the evil elf because this was still Christmas Day, and she couldn't bring herself to end the life of anything on that day. But she did take him back to Mission HQ, and reported her catch to Santa.


To: Santa Claus

From: Hanima Ocean Elf

Subject: Got Him

Hello Santa,

Bethany's killer has been apprehended. He lied in his letter where he claimed to have killed Bethany's aunt. The home was not cordoned off as it would've been if a violent crime had taken place. Also, my micro-picachu Cordelia sensed no smell of death or even injury around that place. She helped me catch him, so he'll be out for a while.

I've already worked on him so that he's defenceless as far as magic is concerned. I took some heavy duty clippers to his claws and fangs so he won't be able to inflict horribly nasty injuries on anyone when he wakes up. I will return him to you tomorrow, and might I suggest a good strong rodent cage as a holding cell?

Merry Christmas.



When Santa read the note over, he grinned broadly. "No, I'm not the one who is hard to figure out." he said to himself.

Killer's pre-Shelf name was Dave, and the Clauses agreed that he should never be on the Shelf again. They put him and Neil to work, guarding Zippy Quinn and Chet Chandler.

Ocean returned the next day with a very unhappy evil elf, whom Santa remembered as Oba, an elf who had gone MIA during the Miranda troubles.

To her astonishment, Ocean was chosen to ring in the new year, since the old year had been especially good partly because of Slendy's annihilation.

The day after New Year's saw Chet Chandler continuing to serve his time for assault on a child with intent to cause harm, and Zippy Quinn got another chance at The Shelf, with some differences.

Zippy's Shelf life was never going to involve children again, nor was it kicking in anew only with the next American Thanksgiving. It was to start immediately.

Zippy was packaged up and sent to his new address.

When the packaging came off, his eyes bugged out in amazement and fear when he realized who he now belonged to.

"So, Zippy, or should I call you Quinn? We meet again." It was none other than the fairy Ameh.

Bethany's Elf, Oba, was handed over to Ocean, to do with however she pleased. But he'd heard how she treated Zippy and Chet, and even more terrifying, how she ended Slender Man, a figure that Oba had admired. Oba couldn't face a life with Ocean, or whatever terrifying death she might give him.

One night, Ocean was awakened by a terrified scream and something falling just outside her open window. She had left it open because she thought it was high enough that Oba couldn't make an escape. But she was only thinking he wanted to get out alive.

Ocean got up and walked outside, around to the place beneath her room window. What she found, made her grimace.

It was the lifeless body of Oba, the evil elf.


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