

Ellen Degeneres, The Living Meme Who Is Not What She Wants People To Think

I always thought Ellen Degeneres was the television version of a fluffy chain letter and her "Be kind" stuff was superficial and for the camera, and have always been sick of everybody clogging the net with links of clips from the Ellen show or any reality TV series, or George Takei quotes. Memes, all of them...!

There are things that affirm this opinion, and blow my mind at the same time, things that make me feel relieved I have not met let alone worked with her.

Scary Ellen

Ellen's Fall From Grace

The Disturbing Truth Behind The Ellen Degeneres Show

Ellen Degeneres is a living meme. Now, that meme is finally becoming less adored. Ellen managed to basically mangle herself over a long period of time.

But the problem is that memes often spawn more memes, or that backlash all too often takes the form of memes.

Memes At Ellen's expense, Mangled!

People railing against Ellen have used the idiotic "Karen" meme, calling her a "Karen" based on everything from her behavior to her hairstyle.

the Karen meme
