

This Brony Crap needs to leave the Sonic Fanbase

By mawuliza

(Edited for language and some objectionable content that has been replaced or removed. Took out the Nintendo VS. Sega preamble to get to the main subject. click on link to original article at your own risk.)


You know, growing up, I’ve always gotten into arguments with people about what makes you a “true fan” of something. There’s no such thing, really. If you like something, you’re a fan, period. If you like something that has a bad reputation, you obviously want to get a little hands on to improve the situation.

The Sonic fanbase has exerted more power and influence on a video game series more than any other fanbase I’ve ever known. And what’s worse, now many of them are becoming bronies.

I don’t know how or why this “phenomena” started, but it’s already sickening to see grown men pretend that it’s ok to like girly crap. See, I’ve noticed that men have become increasingly more feminine as the years go by, and that’s mostly due to the rise of homo/metrosexual fads overcoming the intent of nature.


It’s not impossible for men to like cute crap. In fact, it should be encouraged, especially since we have a situation where we have fatherless children being born into this world. You know another thing about fathers? They don’t like to watch kids shows. But if they’ve got kids that beg them to watch, they go ahead and do it because they love their kids. Amma help them if they’re daughters and they’re made to watch some ass cheese called MLP. Oh wait, MLP has references that adults would understand, huh?

Guess what? That’s only so those fathers wouldn’t feel like they’re wasting their clopping time watching that bullcrap. Not so the show can appeal to a broader audience. Or so you can go around collecting little girl’s toys to express your love of the show.

And it’s not even legitimate love of the show. If you truly love something, you don’t need to go out of your way to prove it on the internet. You just do it without a care in the world. See, these bronies don’t really love the show. They’ve admitted multiple times that they do this crap to mock the societal norms of America. As if this is somehow a liberating experience. And I can’t help but to laugh because it’s the most retarded crap I’ve ever heard. You’re not “inspirational” because you go against societal norms. You’re just making fools of yourselves. Buying the toys, the decorations, the DVDs, whatever, does not entitle you to respect. And believe, Bronies have some serious self-entitlement issues on a scale similar to Nintard levels. If someone expresses their bile of MLP, that should be perfectly fine. But these batcrap crazies will raid your space and make-believe they’re doing karate horse kicks in your face if you so much as express disdain for a particular stallion.

It wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t mention their status as Yurugu’s mistakes on EVERY hamGODDAMN FORUM IN THE COSMOS! You could even be on a forum about…. biking, who knows, and they bring that pony crap up. If you tell them to shut up about it, they will gripe and moan and talk about “how hard it is to be accepted in a world that was ruined by 9/11″. Hey, nimrod, that crap is a tragedy in itself. Don’t use people’s deaths to push your agenda on others. We don’t give a rat’s patuty, 2/5′s of a clop about your desires to be loved! You know how you can be loved? Put on a straight jacket, have someone duck tape your mouths, and roll your but in a ditch somewhere.

It wouldn’t be so bad if MLP wasn’t such a crappy toy brand that people didn’t get into until they made some cheap arse, flash animated cartoon years down the road and it all of a sudden becomes popular because kids today are so messed up in their heads and have zero standards whatsoever. Bronies are like the homosexual communities that exist in the media back houses of hip hop and even the educational system who seem more and more determined to push their “ways” onto others. And when people say “leave me the hex alone”, they kick and scream demanding respect. And usually, they go so far as to completely defame a person for not wanting that crap to the point that the “suspect” caves in, apologizes, and is forced to experience their “ways” until they accept and love it in the same vain as these fanatics.

These are dangerous crap birds with an agenda. So believe me when I say they do not belong within the Sonic fanbase. Sega, as I’ve said a million times already, are taking hints from Sonic fans who, for all intents and purposes, are the mutated offspring dregs of Nintards and Anime fans who only got into the fandom through that bullcrap Sonic X and Gamecube ports. These are the same dumbbells who think Nintendo owns the IP to Sonic despite having games on several different consoles. And these are the same morons who demand Sonic to be more like Mario every chance they get. I think I speak for the, ahem….. TRUE FANS (*gasps*) when I say “we can do bad by ourselves”. Sega’s already invoking light-hearted atmosphere into the series exclusively if the last 5 Sonic games are anything to go by, I swear if the next Sonic game is called “Rainbows” or whatever (Colors was bad enough), that will be the day Sonic truly dies. Bronies have imperialistic tendencies to push their mindsets on other people, deliberately and feverishly. I personally don’t want Sega to get the wrong clopin ideas about Sonic games being about “the power of friendship” or “life lessons” that no one gave a crap about back with “Sonic Sez” segments. Because mark my words, looking at the Six Deadly Retards and the “family friendly” Nintendo Partnership, that’s where we are headed.

Now, if I may be redundant, you can like whatever the clop you want, and that’s fine. But when I see some crap like this:

Flare YOU! You’ve crossed the moral event horizon.

The Sonic fanbase needs to establish some standards because at this point, this is going too far. We’ve already allowed the Nintards to cannibalize the fanbase enough as it is. So if these Bronies start becoming the majority demographic, that’s the clopping end of it. Sonic will be doomed to “magical fairies and witches” with nothing cool or epic about them. We’ll continue to have cheesy music like “Colors feel so bright” and more cheerleading friends with words of encouragement and no involvement with the butt kicking, and more nonsensical plots about “Sonic and Eggman teaming up for the first time” even though they’ve teamed up about several million times in the past, clop man! When Sega says “they didn’t know fans wanted to play other characters besides Sonic”, tis the time to SHUT THE clop UP! Fan input is contributing more and more to Sonic’s demise, and I know it’s a hard pill to swallow for many of you people. Curse and scream at companies like CAPCOM! NINTENDO! KONAMI! They’re the main ones going out of control by screwing their fans over. And that NAMCO!? Stop clopping up Soul Calibur! I LIKED Taki you nimrods! Now I gotta play this bore with no personality and even crappier moves!?

As for the Bronies reading and foaming at mouth, leave. Please leave. Your presence within the fanbase is undesirable. Lepers avoid you. You are all weeds, fungi, dregs of this earth. Spineless little worms deserving nothing but the profoundest contempt. I feel debased just for knowing you exist. You’re proof that every good gene pool has a shallow end. I hope you never have children. It would truly be a shame if you infected this world with your poisoned seed. Then again, looking at your mortifying lifestyle, you'd scare off anything capable of mating.


There were some reactions, mostly over a dumb picture, and then there was Flutterderpy20/Applederpy20 who really shows just how militant and trollish fandoms can get.





MLP My Little Pony


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