Nahid Senna Marie Maxwell, The Weakest Link

a Mary Potter Sue

By Ocean Elf


Queen Aphrodite said at 7:36 pm on Jun 16, 2009 Officially the worst Mary-Sue I have ever seen. Within the first two or three paragraphs, I saw at least ten Sue traits. And I thought my character Kari was an Irredeemable-Sue! I made Kari up when I was about four years old. I'll post about her sometime.

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Nahid Senna Marie Maxwell, The Weakest Link

In a magical land, there stood a lovely jeweled, crystaline castle. Its name was Munkee Thaungaria Jaunta. It was made entirely of precious gem stones, precious metals, and crystal. It stood atop a hill that only came short of deserving the name 'mountain' and it overlooked a vast, sandy seashore with it's clear, blue waters teeming with life below.

In that castle lived a stunningly beautiful full-blooded wizard of the highest nobility. She was a cousin of Draco Malfoy's, and consequently a spawn of Voldemort due to an utterly unholy union one of Draco's rich aunts had with Harry Potter's now defeated, vanquished, and dead nemesis. Whether or not that union was consensual or not remains a question shrowded in mystery.

Her name, Nahid Leila Shirin Laleh Zahra Parvin Fatah Aishah Horacia Felicia Malicia Marlequisha Katisha Kaishusha Kiseiki Kiki Kitana-Melina Tina Anya Aurelia Ophelia Olivia Angelyka Demonica Sanika Micah Miaka Miranda Fianna Fiore ragabashtule Ruri Yanni Komadori Frost Harper Rainbosun la Petite redwolf Candypantsrose Greytattoo Madpirate Mossgreen Satine Eponine Deathbaker Dragonrider Drunkenwoodpile Queenofgoths Bluestar Silverchild Silverstar Bluechild Silversloth Icebear Zella Jan Tora Chan Tamora Toxicseal Camo Commando Compuwhore Carmen R'Becca Jenny-Ko Senna Marie Maxwell Pahlavi.

Her sapphire eyes sparkled like twin pools of crystal, the most beautiful deep blue you could ever imagine. These brilliant blu orbs could melt the coldest of hearts and pierce through one's soul and beyond. They cried glittering crystal tears and could change color at will and with her moods. As long as everything was going right for her, her amazingly dazzling opticals stayed the bluest of blue. But when she was angry, they turned yellow, blood red, or murderous black when she was in her worst temper. Fortunately this didn't happen often.

Her proud yet delicate face was dainty with perfectly formed features, small but beautiful nose, supple cherry red lips that begged to be kissed, high cheekbones, dainty yet well defined chin, and a flawless lily-white porcelain complexion. Her face was framed by a mass of shimmering golden tresses that hung in graceful curls, flowing down her back in a drop-dead gorgeous cascade. She wore many jewels in her hair, which added to her already fatally beautiful appearance. Sometimes she would be seen wearing a golden crown studded with every kind of gem and jewel imaginable, other times, she would put her hair up in wonderful styles, but she always let enough of it hang loosely so that it flowed as she walked. Her hair had another unique feature, it could also change color at will, so she didn't need to dye it. The hair that she left loosely curling remained golden to add more grace to the fine piece of art that was her. But what hair she'd put up in braids, a bun etc. could become a different color at will once her hair-do had been set for the day. This meant she could have asure braids to match her lovely sparkling orbs, or a black bun to contrast with her fairest of all fair complexions.

Her figure was tall, and full of feline gracefulness. She could teach any modelling agency or dance company a few things about deportment and grace. Her lush curves, swaying hips and shapely legs what could be seen of them under her skirts complimented that prettiest of all pretty faces and spun golden locks above.

Nahid's abilities were just as amazing as her appearance. She could play any position on a quidditch team perfectly, including seeker. Game outcomes always depended in which side she played on.

She was an expert diviner, a master of potions, the dark arts, defense against the dark arts, witchcraft, she was always at the head of every class while at Hogwarts. She was an excellent shapeshifter and had a neko as a familiar.

The sorting hat had such a hard time trying to sort her into just one of the houses at Hogwarts that it clammed up and had to be magically reset the next day. Eventually, it decided on two houses, Gryffindor and Slytherin.

And Nahid was desperately in love with Professor Neville Longbottom.

Hogwarts didn't have much to offer her, since, as the daughter of Voldemort, she knew everything. Besides, her presence in the school tended to distract the other students because of her censuous beauty. So they gave her permission to cut class, as long as she showed up for quidditch practice.

Everywhere Nahid went, she stunned all the guys into falling at her feet. It was not uncommon for her to be seen back at the castle with any number of men she had managed to cast her spell on and make them her slaves. All other females either shrank away from her in fear and loathing, or idolized her. Some of the girlfriends and wives of any guys she fancied, frequently knelt before her on their knees, begging her to forgive their jealousy, and offering her their lovers, if only she would let these women continue to idolize her. Tiny tots learned to say her full name before "Mama" or "Papa". She could reduce grown men to tears or a state of trance just by reciting her name. She could recite the Iran national anthem, and speak Japanese, Greek, French, and Latin.

Every time she opened her mouth to sing, the Rainbo-Sun shone brightly, and all who heard her, stopped dead in their tracks as if entranced. People who set eyes on her lovely porcelain face with the finest sapphire eyes, ruby lips, and precious golden cascading tresses, forgot everything they were doing, and didn't look where they were going. They were too busy looking at Nahid to care about anything else. Wherever Nahid went, she disrupted regular activity. Simply asking a passing stranger on the road what the time was, earned her a stare, followed by "Oh please, say that again."

One day, at a jewelry store, Nahid had turned several heads among the customers who had intended to buy jewelry for their lovers, spouses, or themselves. Some men changed their minds about buying rings for their girls, and bought them for Nahid instead. Even the ladies who came in, decided to forgo treating themselves or their friends, pooled their money, and bought Nahid the largest, most expensive diamond there was.

The store manager came in during the mass adoration and was initially quite put out. "What is this all about? If you want a close conference, please don't have it here, it's bad for business, you know."

Nahid's sultry voice floated on the air to him as she moved seductively toward him, swaying her hips hypnotically, batting her long eye-lashes, and tossing her fair head of shining golden locks playfully. "I'm sorry, Mr. Manager," she breathed, looking at him with unmistakable bedroom eyes that made the bluest of skies pale in comparison, "I can't help being perfect. How can I...make it up to you? My castle, this evening, perhaps?"

The manager's face went from angry to awe-struck. "uh...Uh...Huuuuuhhhh...Yes, mam, anything you say."

Nahid's stunning blue orbs met the Manager's aw-struck stare as she corrected him on how to address her, in the same erotic voice. "My name," she stated, "is Nahid Leila Shirin Laleh Zahra Parvin Fatah Aishah Horacia Felicia Malicia Marlequisha Katisha Kaishusha Kiseiki Kiki Kitana-Melina Tina Anya Aurelia Ophelia Olivia Angelyka Demonica Sanika Micah Miaka Miranda Fianna Fiore ragabashtule Ruri Yanni Komadori Frost Harper Rainbosun la Petite Redwolf Candypantsrose Greytattoo Madpirate Mossgreen Satine Eponine Deathbaker Drunkenwoodpile Dragonrider Queenofgoths Bluestar Silverchild Silverstar Bluechild Silversloth Icebear Zella Jan Tora Chan Tamora Toxicseal Camo Commando Compuwhore Carmen R'Becca Jenny-Ko Senna Marie Maxwell Pahlavi."

"oh, beautiful Nahid," the manager nearly fell to the floor in a swoon. "Say that again." Nahid did, and this time, she took a little more time reciting her name so that the others could say it along with her.

They spent the next 20 minutes or so, chanting Nahid's name as if it was a holy mantra.

no one except Nahid had the presence of mind to notice a man enter the store with a gun.

At first, the robber scoffed at the scene, "is this some kind of temple? Stop jabbering, freeze where you are! And you!" he flashed a threatening glance at the manager, "Hand over the cash!"

"Nahid Leila Shirin..." the manager continued to drone along with the customers and the rest of the store staff.

Frustrated, the robber walked in and shot once in the air. That jolted everyone out of the Nahid intoxication just long enough to begin panicking. Girls gasped, some screamed, men paled, some of them groaning with fear.

"I won't say it again, hand over the cash or you're all dead!" the robber waved his gun in all directions, making sure everyone saw it. Some of the customers tried to retreat and were warned not to move a muscle or else.

But was Nahid afraid? Oh, no! She was the epitome of bravery, she did not know the meaning of the word 'fear'! "Sir," she said in that throaty voice she knew people were just dying to hear again.

The robber froze right where he stood. Then he saw her, a vision from none other than very heaven itself. A woman so beautiful, with steel-melting, soul-piercing, azure blue jewels set in the finest porcelain face that had royalty written all over it, her graceful poise, the long, beautifully curling, golden locks that shone as if giving off their own light, all part of a living mass of life eternal.

"Ooooooohhhhhhh. Uuuuuuuhhhhhhh." the Robber forgot about his evil intention and stood, mouth open in awe, staring at Nahid. He could not break away from her stone-melting gaze, he could not move.

"Is there something you want, my little man?" Nahid spoke to him.

Ah, the voice of heaven. The robber waited a moment until she finished her question, and then he answered her. "You." he breathed. "I' divine vision, please forgive me?" The robber's expression and voice had gone from tough as nails to pleading and submissiveness, as if he was a child who had just realized he had made a terrible mistake.

"My name is..." and Nahid recited her name for the robber. As she did so, she approached him, moving seductively, swaying her hips hypnotically, hoisting her long shimmering skirt up just enough to reveal part of her perfectly shaped legs.

He didn't even try to repeat it. He dropped his gun, stood trembling like a leaf for several moments, then suddenly fell to his knees, sobbing. "I'm so sorry, please forgive me for what I almost did? I just realized that money means nothing! Life means nothing without you, my Nahid Nahid! take my gun, take it; I have no more use for it! And here, take all of my money too. You are so beautiful, I must give you something to make up for my folly!" As the robber quaked before Nahid, he emptied his pockets of money and anything else in them.

"Of course I forgive you, sir," Nahid reassured silkily, "But keep your bank book, your credit card, your personal ID and your social insurance number. I have no use for those." She handed back his wallet that held all of those things.

"Oh, yeah, I mean, yes, o' beautiful Nahid, may you live forever." the robber breathed.

"And as for making it up to me," Nahid continued as she eyed him like the cat who caught the canary, "My castle, tonight."

"Say no more--I mean, yes, I'll gladly be with you tonight, and please, go on talking. I have never heard sweeter music to my ears, or seen such poetry in motion as your..." he trailed off, at a loss for words.

"Come hither, my man, the sky is the limit." Nahid said.

"Don't forget about me, Nahid," the store manager pleaded.

"You are both welcome. Come along, my friends, let's all get a little more...friendly." Nahid cooed, flicking a lock of precious gold off her face.

The two men swooned, but, week-kneed and disoriented as they were, they could not help but obey Nahid's call as she led them out of the store.

on the way back to the castle, a small child was heard crying out.

Then, within a second, Nahid found she and her two companions were now joined by a little kitten that scampered around Nahid's feet, looking up at her with big, sad, adoring eyes.

"Awww, kitty," she bent down to pick up the animal. It nestled against her body, purring loudly as she stroked it.

The child called out again.

Nahid realized this kitten must've belonged to the child, and continued walking toward the little girl's calls until she was standing face to face with her.

The little girl saw Nahid and forgot about her kitten. "Oh! You're so beautiful!" she swooned, completely taken in by the exquisit vision of beauty before her. I hope I am just like you when I grow up!"

"thank you, child," Nahid said smoothly, smiling proudly, "But you must not set goals which are unattainable, my dear. I believe this cat belongs to you, what a little darling."

The child did not understand the first part of Nahid's speech, which was probably just as well. "She was mine, but you can have her now. The only other person she likes besides me is you. She hisses at everyone else."

"Here's your mistress, little kitten, go back to her." Nahid placed the kitten in the child's arms, and began to walk away.

The kitten was heard yowling loudly for a few moments, and then, Nahid felt something brush up against her leg.

"It's all right, she's your kitty now, I love you!" the little girl called back.

Nahid and the two men and the cat moved along, the cat not daring to purr, the men trying not to make noise while walking. No one wanted to mar the moment, for Nahid was singing now. The few clouds in the sky cleared, and the sun shone very bright. There were birds and squirrels playing about, but they stopped singing and scurrying when Nahid and company passed their way.

Everywhere she went, Nahid was sure to show herself off because she firmly believed the universe revolved around her. It was certainly like that at the castle. All she had to do was bellow "Jump!" and everybody jumped high as they could.

Ah, yes, life loved Nahid Leila Shirin Laleh Zahra Parvin Fatah Aishah Horacia Felicia Malicia Marlequisha Katisha Kaishusha Kiseiki Kiki Kitana-Melina Tina Anya Aurelia Ophelia Olivia Angelyka Demonica Sanika Micah Miaka Miranda Fianna Fiore ragabashtule Ruri Yanni Komadori Frost Harper Rainbosun la Petite Redwolf Candypantsrose Greytattoo Madpirate Mossgreen Satine Eponine Deathbaker Dragonrider Drunkenwoodpile Queenofgoths Bluestar Silverchild Silverstar Bluechild Silversloth Icebear Zella Jan Tora Chan Tamora Toxicseal Camo Commando Compuwhore Carmen R'Becca Jenny-Ko Senna Marie Maxwell Pahlavi! and she loved life! She was convinced that without her, the universe would cease to function!

But one fine day, the spell Nahid had cast, began to break. Pride goes before a fall, and Nahid was not to be exempt from that rule indefinitely.

Nahid had plenty of ambitions in life, not only to dominate the whole world, she also fixated on finding ways to: make Harry Potter leave his wife Ginny and their children for her. She had similar designs on Ron Weasley, who she hoped to seduce away from Hermione, whom Nahid typically despised in true Mary Sue fashion. She hated Hermione Granger/Weasley for being a female with brains, and for being a good friend of Harry's, and now Ron's wife. Nahid also wished to make Professor Longbottom and Draco Malfoy fall in love with her, and Treize Khushrenada come alive and snog her practically into oblivion.

Nahid was experimenting with magic charms, one of which went terribly awry.

She followed it exactly as the book said, or so she thought. But one wrong sylable, a symbol badly traced, and it all started to go wrong for Nahid from here.

The charm she had tried, released a gost from her confinement in one of the castle walls. This ghost had never liked Nahid and was immune to her bewitching power. But now that she was freed, she was in a position to start putting things into perspective, not just for Nahid, but for all those she had cast the admiration spell over.

It started when Nahid played a very sloppy game of quidditch that meant Slytherin lost the tournament.

The teem was counting on her and she played like a newbie.

Her eyes changed to a sullen gray as she cried, unable to understand what happened. It didn't help matters when the Gryffindors were celebrating and the Slytherins were needling her about losing the tournament for them.

The Truth about Nahid was that she was not perfect, not by a long shot.

Her favorite pastimes were: talking to herself, talking about herself to others, admiring herself in every mirrored place, calling the shots, bullying, swooning over anime and over herself, starting and continuing flame wars, and getting away with being an absolute power-crazed, spoiled brat. She also liked to stage events that made her seem heroic or make her the center of all attention. She could not stand being out of the limelight for a second. Even her email address was unbelievably egocentric -!

Her nose was stuck up in the air, and her eyes were too close together.

One day, another beauty came along who rivaled Nahid in looks, and heaven forbid, actually managed to turn the head of one of the guys Nahid had her evil eye on, not Neville Longbottom, but this was enough sign to convince Nahid that this girl would ruin her imagined relationship with Longbottom, who, in actuality, couldn't have cared any less about her one way or the other. Nahid got it into her head that he loved her, but that was only because he showed no interest in romancing any girl, and the clingy, unbalanced Nahid took that as a pledge of true love.

Nahid went ballistic. Her cerulean blue eyes turned to a garish yellow, red, black, and finally green with envy. She absolutely panicked, and threw a tantrum that lasted months. Every chance she got, she sent the new girl nasty notes, and called her down all over the internet and elsewhere. Nahid became a jealous, obsessive, utterly psycho stalker, and she even managed to do it without wrecking her hair-do!

of course, the day she broke a nail using the computer, she ended up crying huge crocodile tears. The stress of it was so bad it caused her to be bed-ridden for a week. All her attendants were beside themselves, falling all over Nahid, trying to make her more comfortable. During that time, Nahid's temper didn't improve. She could be heard, day in and day out, yelling for this "moron" to get her her precious Latin book, or that "loser" to straighten out her pillows for only the fortieth time within the last half hour.

Once she finally got tired of being sick, she decided to stand up.

Oh no! Bed-head! "Waaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!"

Nahid was so furious, she kicked at a cabinet, and broke a toe-nail.

Wild with rage, she blamed her rival. Throwing herself down on the floor, spittle flying from her mouth, snot coming out of her nose, and huge self-pitying tears rolling out of her lurid red/orange eyes that shot pink angry sparks, she opened her mouth and howled like a raving lunatic. It's all that other girl's fault! I hate her! She's stupid! She's an egomaniac! I hate her! Stupid stupid stupid I hate her! I hate her, I hate her! Neville is all mine! Mine mine mine mine mine! I hate that girl! She's a Mary Sue! How dare she look at Mr. Neville, write anything about him and steal him away from me!"

of course, it never dawned on Nahid Leila Shirin Laleh Zahra Parvin Fatah Aishah Horacia Felicia Malicia Marlequisha Katisha Kaishusha Kiseiki Kiki Kitana-Melina Tina Anya Aurelia Ophelia Olivia Angelyka Demonica Sanika Micah Miaka Miranda Fianna Fiore Ragabashtule Ruri Yanni Komadori Frost Harper Rainbosun la Petite redwolf Candypantsrose Greytattoo Madpirate Mossgreen Satine Eponine Deathbaker Dragonrider Drunkenwoodpile Queenofgoths Bluestar Silverchild Silverstar Bluechild Silversloth Icebear Zella Jan Tora Chan Tamora Toxicseal Camo Commando Carmen R'Becca Jenny-Ko Senna Marie Maxwell Pahlavi, that she was the biggest egomaniac as well as a Mary Sue herself. She had all the typical things she claimed to hate about Mary Sues. Good looks, the ability to turn everyone on, and the desire to do so, even if they started out hating her for wrecking their relationships, the ability to speak several languages - well actually...if the truth be told, she couldn't. She simply copied speaches out of books or looked up words in dictionaries of different languages. She could turn on the tears at the drop of a hat and make her sappy subjects feel very sorry for her. Furthermore, to top it all off and prove she was a Mary Sue beyond a shadow of a doubt was that she had it bad for Professor Longbottom, the herbology instructor at Hogwarts.

Nahid continued her childish tirade. "She's not pretty. She has ugly eyes, a big nose, and fat lips. She SUCKS AND SHOULD DIE! I Hate her! I hate hate hate hate her! She's a wench pants! I'll use her hair for toilet paper! She should die! Die you stupid wench, die die die die die I hate you I hate you I hate you!!!"

As she spewed, she continued to wreck her hair-do, as well as the room. When one of her attendants came in, concerned, Nahid threw herself past her and raved out into the main part of the castle.

She had the misfortune to trip on a just waxed floor and fall flat on her face with her ugly cone shaped derriere protruding in the air. Her dress split up the back, and she howled over that.

Too angry at falling and at her imagined rival, and everything else that had gone wrong, Nahid got up again and ran through and out of the castle. She continued screaming about the woman who posed such an imagined threat the whole time, so completely obsessed was she over that girl.

By now, Nahid was a sight. Her crown had been thrown off back in the castle, and now her hair had been dirtied, and was sticking out in every direction. her dress had all but come off, her jewelry had either come off or was hanging in strange positions. Her face was stained with tears, and her huge, fat lips hung to the ground in a terrible pout. yes indeed. She now had ugly eyes and fat lips from all the falling and crying.

And where were her subjects? They all retreated, as far away from her as they could get. they always knew she was a crazy but now with her evil spell finally broken by her own ignorant, jealous, and bigotted hand, they could do for themselves now.

Nahid kept running and screaming like a ticked off toddler until she winded herself against a tree. Once she got her breath back, she slapped and ranted at it for having the nerve to stand in her way. "Stupid tree! Stupid tree!! Stupid stupid stupid tree!"

Not far off, some people heard her, and they came to investigate. And once they realized who she was, and how humbled she was being made and not liking it at all, they laughed long and hard.

"I'd like to thank whatever spirits are behind this!" said one young man to his companion, a girl who looked far prettier than Nahid.

Nahid saw her and raged some more. Shooting evil green daggers from her orbs, furious that all her ranting and cussing the girl out had not actually killed her, Nahid began. "You're ugly! Your nose is too large! Your skin is too pale!"

"and I'm supposed to what? Get all upset and cry over that, little Nahid?" the girl sneered. "Please, Nahid Shirin, or Rainbosun or whatever you call yourself now. There's the world of Nahid, and then there's the truth."

"Shut up, you stupid ugly skank!" Nahid fumed.

the man continued, "And the truth is, you had your fun being a Mary Sue, and now you're getting mad at somebody else for topping you in all the important ways. You're jealous because you're not everybody's little darling any more, and you don't have half the personality of any other girl I know."

"Who does that girl think she is, talking back to me! And I'm not a Mary Sue! I'm not a Mary Sue! Not, not *NOT*!

"The truth hurts, doesn't it? Unlike you, this woman has a heck of a lot more going for her than just looks. And it's making you eat your insides out. Now, it's time you wake up and smell the coffee. You are the ugliest creation that ever was except for maybe hitler, Hussein, Bin Laden, and Voldemort who had the unlikely real name of Tom Riddle. You may look nice on the outside, but your soul is full of crap. Nobody likes you, no one ever really did! you are the worst case of Mary Sue-ism that ever came about!"

"No! how could you!? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Nahid cried, foaming at the mouth and tossing herself around like a child in a temper. "Neville wouldn't want you treating me this way!" she said, in a weak attempt to defend herself and intimidate the couple she was currently railing at.

The man scoffed." He couldn't care less who writes him in their silly little Mary Sue stories or which airhead fangirl wants him all to herself. You need to cool that obsession of yours!"

"You aren't supposed to be looking at her, you're mine, sama!" Nahid shrieked.

"Don't call me that, Nahid," the man snarled back. "You've been hated secretly by me and a lot of others for a very long time!"

But Nahid continued to rail. "That girl has some nerve! Who does she think she is!?"

"I could ask the same of you, Nahid." The girl retorted.

Nahid's rage was at its peak now. Her eyes turned blood red, then to a stormy murderous raven black as they shot bombs at her perceived rival. "You! Nahid flung herself on the unfortunate woman, spewing drool as she did so. "You dare to think you're so great!?

"What ever gave you that idea?" the girl asked, pushing Nahid away, then drying her sleeve, "Yuck, what a pig!"

"Just for that, and for thinking you're so perfect, you should be thrashed, with your mind keelhauled and violently wrestled into submission to me by a bunch of bloodthirsty squirrels!"

"Oh, get a life!" the girl guffawed before turning her back on Nahid in utter disdain.

Nahid traced some magic symbols in the air, chanting a curse on the hated girl.

Nothing happened. No lightning bolt, no girl bursting into flame or crumbling to dust before Nahid, nothing.

"Oh you stupid skank! Die already!" Nahid bellowed, pointing a finger at the girl's back.

"Good grief, you're hopeless." the man said, glaring at Nahid. "I don't know what the ruddy horcruxes I ever saw in you! I must've been be'loser'ed!"

All the commotion had attracted a crowd of onlookers, who could be heard cheering on Nahid's enemies, and booing Nahid.

This made her even angrier. "Get back to your work, you stupid slaves!" Nahid barked, pointing angry spikes of now multi-colored hair at them.

She noticed one of the people out front, who seemed to be leading a small Muggle family group. And they were black.

This made Nahid's head nearly explode. "You stupid people! What are you doing out in public? Get back to where you belong and finish that monument you're supposed to be making of your goddess - ME!"

That set the crowd in an uproar. They soon started pelting Nahid with stones and shouting, "Down with Nahid! Down with Nahid!"

Nahid turned and fled, only to run right into more trouble.

"You're not going anywhere, not just yet." a strange woman was now holding Nahid back.

"You!" but Nahid didn't get a chance to scream out another insult. She took a hard smack to the side of her face.

It was the ghost woman Nahid had accidentally freed with that Longbottom-love spell. "That's enough out of you, little tyrant. You should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. You hate people you think don't measure up to your ridiculous ideals of appearance. You are jealous and obsessive to the point of psychotic, you are a hypocritical, spoiled, egotistical little brat, a slaver, indecent, and a terrible control-freak, and you have outstayed your welcome in this piece of fiction. Now, get lost!"

The ghost turned her cold gaze on that poor excuse of a girl. "Nahid Leila Shirin Laleh - oh, whatever...! You are the weakest link! Good-bye!" She made the thumbs down motion.

Nahid, the Bin Laden wanna-be, terrorist/bully-minded freak now found herself being dragged, kicking and screaming, crashing and burning into the Mary Sue Hall of Shame. There she would stay, as an example for all netizens to laugh at and try not to follow! She excells in the subject of HUB 101 (Head-up-butt), a class in the Mary Sue hall Of Shame that tends to get the highest course averages.


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Senna Marie Jenny Ko Nahid Leila Maxwell etc the biggest Lady Une buttkissing otaku whose online bullying/harassment/stalking and otherwise profoundly desperate attention-seeking, trolling, stupid behaviour and all out bad-seed and Mary Sue personality inspired the story.

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