He has done some stupid things. From okaying fake news in 2012 that perpetuates his favourite agendas, to spouting wild conspiracy theories about Trump's win in 2016, just, wow.
The Daily Currant, a liberal/progressive tabloid and meme-spreading site similar to Weekly World News, published a false Bill o'Reilly story on Dec. 24, 2012, that became a chain letter.
A month and a bit later, Jan. 29, 2013, they did it again, this time, with a racist fantasy that fooled a lot of people. and ended up debunked on a hoax-busting site!
On February 2, and 5, 2013, The Daily currant struck again, fooling Suzi Parker, Washington Post writer, twice, and many others with two stupid hoaxes, one about Sarah Palin and Al Jazeera, another about glenn Beck and pizza.
The offending chain letters originate here and here.
On March 6, 2013, The Daily Currant ran another stupid hoax, this time claiming liberal NY Times columnist Paul Krugman filed for bankruptcy.
the Boston Globe‘s Boston.com and much to Krugman's delight and of course most importantly to him, Breitbart.com fell for it.
This resulted in a giant chain letter of ridicule against Breitbart.com coming from the left.
This site full of dimwits used this hoax as a smear against Breitbart.com, accusing them of using "satire" to '"smear" Krugman. As if their own satire efforts never smear anyone from their opposition, oh, sure…
Media Matters, the paragon of all things honest and good, descended like a flock of greedy vultures on rot.
Aw, poor, poor Krugman indeed, he has been so terribly victimized.
Krugman was anything but upset over it.
The jerk wasn't interested in straightening things out right away, because he was just waiting with baited breath, salivating in anticipation to see which "right-wing media" would be first to fall for this dumb hoax, of course. *Rolling eyes* Naturally, no other publication got ridiculed for getting duped by this hoax.
Other news publications that aren't clearly considered conservative just get a quiet little grin and 'tut, tut, be more careful next time" reaction when they make similar blunders like mistaking video games for real war images. Because everybody makes mistakes. But when Breitbart.com blunders, all heck and nasty feeding frenzy breaks loose.
So, let's mangle this Krugman kruft.
🦍💩Paul Krugman: Breitbarted
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: *Sneering and rolling eyes* Naturally. If NY Times had fallen for this stupidity, hook, line, and sinker, you wouldn't be gloating, you'd be trying desperately to sweep it under the rug if the hoax came from the left and only the left fell for it. Or you'd be hollering bloody murder, pretending to be terribly outraged at the "lies" spread about you if the hoax came from a right-leaning site.
🦍💩Paul Krugman: OK, I’m an evil person
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And proud of it...
🦍💩Paul Krugman: — and my scheming has paid off.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And you're proud of being a troll and building on a hoax. Wow, what a poster child for honesty, ethics, and decency you are… The problem is too many people will let it slide and applaud you because they are on the same side of the political aisle as you.
🦍💩Paul Krugman: On Friday I started hearing from friends about a fake story making the rounds about my allegedly filing for personal bankruptcy; I even got asked about the story by a reporter from Russian television, who was very embarrassed when I told him it was fake.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: So you felt all sorry for him? At any rate, you decided to clear things up with him because he wasn't "right-wing media"…
🦍💩Paul Krugman: But I decided not to post anything about it; instead, I wanted to wait and see which right-wing media outlets would fall for the hoax.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Of course you did. That's entirely typical of your contingent. Even the truth takes a backseat for the left-wing cause of trying to make the "right-wing media" look and feel as foolish as possible, and get anyone who is undecided to shift to the left… "Never let the truth get in the way of a 'good' story."
🦍💩Paul Krugman: And Breitbart.com came through!
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: And you laughed, cackled, and beat your chest in gloating gleeful smugness like a giddy idiot.
🦍💩Paul Krugman: Now, if you’ll excuse me,
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: Yeah, Excuse you…
🦍💩Paul Krugman: I have to go give a lavishly paid speech to Friends of Hamas.
🧝♀️Ocean Elf: yeah, right. while you're down there, Say hello to Amy Blamy Shamy Bruce and her cohorts, Dominik James Dagner, Maria, Tammy Lynn Lawrence,, Andrew Anthony Parkin Parkins,, Tim Flyte and the David Darrens, Ostriopliosis crew, Kalin Relek, Savannah Foraker, Fatima Harfeez, Krista Marie, Debbie Schwartz, Bruce Delburg, Dead Reckoning Jenny, Misty Sarah Chris etc. Whoever s/he decides to be.
Perhaps you'll even manage to get in some sweet Slow Dancing With Jessica Mystink Mydek, David Lackwit Lawitts, Tamara Shamara Martin, Rick Con Artist Connor, George and rachel Arlington Winslet.
Maybe you'll get lucky and land a hot date with Carmen Winstead or kink it up with Kiki.
Whatever. - You're dismissed. Not necessarily excused.
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