

Forum Comments And My Reactions

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06-04-2010 #2


DHR Iconoclast

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Mar 2006


Chocolate City



Thank you for illustrating the cause & effects of mythology on a mindset. Something is repeated often enough and we all become victims of brainwashing. However, the Willie Lynch myth has the truth of discrimination, brutalization, prejudice in it that should be recognized and not forgotten.

Ocean Elf: Well the Bloody Mary myth also has the realization of death. Yeah, see how flimsy it is to excuse/defend a hoax? As for this whole blather about descrimination not being forgotten, who has? Who even can when it gets harped on, day in and day out?

The point is we should stop dwelling on the past and using it as an excuse to continue discriminating via this hoax and all other race-card mongering.

UrbanRoundtable: Same way people love to write off ghetto music as vulgar exaggerations of the truth...

Ocean Elf: How about just plain vulgar?

UrbanRoundtable: The truth is exaggerated reflecting the turmoil of poverty and mis-education...

Ocean Elf: No it isn't. Everybody's situation is different.

UrbanRoundtable: It's a crying out that needs recognition.

Ocean Elf: Scrap the crying out excuse. Ghetto music is rebellious and edgy. Poverty is a human condition. Both are already recognized for what they are. As for mis-education, it's got a long way to go before that problem is solved, and this hoax is part of the problem.

UrbanRoundtable: : The letter should not be written off or debunked

Ocean Elf: Yes, it should. It is a pack of lies. Malicious lies designed to stir up hate and discrimination. If it was meant as a fictional character in a classic piece of literature, better yet, with skin color being taken out of it, then it would have some merit as an indication of how a tyrant thinks.

But this is a racist hoax...

UrbanRoundtable: : until there are solutions.

Ocean Elf: There will never be "solutions" as long as the problem exists, and the hoax is part of the problem... The hoax is designed to perpetuate the problem.

06-04-2010 #3



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Nov 2001





So because you LIKE a hoax it has credibility? The letter is FAKE. Anyone referring to it is wallowing in ignorance.




Ocean Elf: Here, here!

06-04-2010 #4


DHR Newbie

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Nov 2001





Pretty interesting read...never really put too much stock in that letter in the first place.....

Ocean Elf: Yes!

06-04-2010 #5


DHR Gold Member

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06-04-2010 #6


DHR Gold Member

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Nov 2001


at Rose Hall Plantation...choking a white witch



I overstand your point, however there are so many legitimate documents to pull from history...why make stuff up? It's insulting to anyone with a true grasp on history and anyone with critical thinking skills for this myth to be presented as history. When I saw the "Great Debaters" movie I was incensed that an otherwise great movie was screwed up by mentioning a "letter" as fact.... that didn't even appear until 50 years after the events of the movie took place...COME ON!


Ocean Elf: Exactly. That kind of propaganda-pushing blunder ruins entertainment for me too. It's similar to someone going around and saying 2 plus 2 equals five. Just can't get past the annoyance. Only this goes beyond annoyance.

06-04-2010 #8


DHR Iconoclast

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Mar 2006


Chocolate City



How do u get that out of my post (That I "like" it)? I never thought Willie Lynch was a real person (was surprised to read one actually existed) but I do think many people have misread the context of the letter; it has also been used out of context (eg emails) for other agendas, customized for the present. I am from America, schooled here from Kindergarten...I know how to read "history" and take it with a grain of salt. I read everything cynically, between the lines. It doesn't make me ignorant...Ignorant is wasting time breaking the letter down when the real issues can be attended to first.

Ocean Elf: Who cares about where you were schooled and how you claim to read things? That is balderdash when you screech out this kind of statement about "real issues". The fact that Willie Lynch is a lie, is the real issue, and the more people believe in the hoax, the worse the "real issues" of hate get. That hoax is designed for it. So to get to the "real issues" one must first cut through and break down all the lies. That you are still defending this hoax is really disgusting.

UrbanRoundtable: There is so much corruption of historical documents and in the writing of such, that one has to decide sooner or later what's worth it. Last edited by UrbanRoundtable; 06-04-2010 at 05:23 PM.

Ocean Elf: Newsflash: this hoax, IS part of the "corruption".

06-05-2010 #9


Don Omertà de la Vega

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Apr 2010





Lets all remember...If the overwhelming majority believe something...It becomes Real...thats how the world works

Last edited by Omerta; 06-05-2010 at 08:13 PM.

Ocean Elf: No, it doesn't literally become real, but the danger is that the majority may believe the fake to be real. I mean, time will never blip an actual Willie Lynch back into that time period to make a real speech from another time period centuries later.

06-05-2010 #10


DHR Gold Member

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Nov 2001


at Rose Hall Plantation...choking a white witch



...and one one of the main issues that we as a people face is MISeducation....I disagree that breaking the letter down is "ignorant". We as a people need to work on CRITICAL THINKING. As an educator myself, I see that as a HUGE problem within our communities. Critical thinking skills will solve many of the problems that plague us. Debunking this letter isn't solving any major problem within the community, but myths need to be among the casualties when we start tearing the stuff down that holds us back. www.paparobbie.podomatic.com

Ocean Elf: Agreed. And I think killing some malicious myths could have a great impact for the better.

06-08-2010 #11


DHR Iconoclast

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Mar 2006


Chocolate City



I agree with you. My use of the word "ignorant" was incorrect. What I meant to convey was that there are points in the letter which were based on common practices that should not have been ignored.

Ocean Elf: Look, the whole American slavery thing has been drummed out so much that if it were an atmospheric condition, it could cover half our solar system. If anyone still actually wants to talk about the "common practices" among slave owners in the Americas, they owe it to themselves and anyone who actually wants to hear any more of this stuff, to get the facts straight, and this is where the hoax deliberately fails.

UrbanRoundtable: If we call the letter fable rather than non-fiction, the content of the letter would not be dismissed as easily.

Ocean Elf: It is not a fable. It is a hoax. It deserves to be trashed. It is rubbish head-gaming fiction masquerading as nonfiction, and that is never cool, no matter what the subject.

UrbanRoundtable: At least we know there are morals to conclude every fable.

Ocean Elf: Which is why Willie Lynch is no fable. It's a hoax...

UrbanRoundtable: There is value to abstract thinking as well.

Ocean Elf: Abstract thinking, without the propaganda, sure. But this is not abstract thinking. It's a hateful hoax.

06-16-2010 #12



Join Date

Sep 2001





Me thinks you looking at this the wrong way my brother. I personally always thought the name 'Willie Lynch' like the term 'John and or Joe Public' was a made up name used to represent a real person.

Further historians the world over have questioned the validity and authenticity of the man called 'Jesus'. Yet it has not stopped people from basing their whole and sole existants on him Originally Posted by Twin of Twins Mek mi articulate and just relate it... Killa have him fault BUT HIM BUSS SOME A DI GREATEST!!!

Ocean Elf: Leave Christ out of it! Just as not all politicians agree on any one particular issue, certainly not all historians and scientists believe Jesus Christ is a hoax! Furthermore, Jesus Christ is not about promoting racism. Willie Lynch, is…

If you believe in Willie Lynch, you might as well believe in the Killer Clown Statue, and Sally Stitch. You might as well embrace the reptilians, illuminati, human-caused global warming/climate change junk, the zombie apocalypse, and that the moon landings were a hoax too. And don't forget about Bigfoot and Nessie. Oh, yes, remember to beware of pay phones, Pepsi cans, gas pumps and theatre seats, they might have AIDS-infected needles too, and if you need medical coverage from that or having your kidney stolen, Microsoft and many other companies will give you lots of cash and free stuff!

Oh, yes, by all means, tell the world about that horrible Willie Lynch and pass it off as fact, even though you know or merely suspect he's just a hoax, because it's all for the great cause of "the lulz" and racism! Go ahead and scare little kids with the Teddy chain letter if it will make them behave better, forget that it's a lie that unnecessarily causes them fear, sometimes to the point of nightmares! Accuse every Christian of being liars if it'll make them shut up and stop saying that your precious Willie Lynch is a fake! As long as you get everyone bowing to your awesomeness and letting you go on excusing and spreading the Lynch lie!

Black racists and liberal white racists are so desperate to keep racism alive, they just can't stand blacks and whites getting along, and these racists also tend to hate Christians, believing that Christianity is the religion of the slavers, which is bullcrap, another big hoax!

The slavers weren't real Christians, they were worshipers of themselves, and they misused and twisted Christian references to suit their own perverse, violent lusts.

In other words, they were devil's disciples. Satan-worshipers, and blissfully ignorant/unaware of it.

Jesus is by no means the only historical person whose life and existence gets questioned. Look at all the stuff about - pick a royal, any royal. You'll find all sorts of points of view on how good or bad they were, if they existed, and when, etc.

So, slavery is long gone, or, it should be, but racists want to bring it back, they want to keep demonizing people based on skin color and what bad people did in previous centuries. They want to condemn whites to a state of eternal shame, so these modern-day racists created a big bad white boogeyman and called him Willie Lynch to give blacks a sense of entitlement and the right to be racist, and keep punishing whites via emotional scourging and lynchings, telling them "Nana-nana-boo-boo! You're born of bad seed!"

This whole movement that is trying so hard to turn back the clock, and doing it with lies/hoaxes no less, all to promote a racist agenda, is disgusting beyond the pale. BLM has actually managed to get segregation brought back into some campus dorms.

When Nasty Is Considered Heroic

SJWs And Their Causes Are Not About Justice.

My belief in Jesus Christ does not come from some 300-year-old grudge and a hateful wish to damn everyone alive today just because some of their ancestors committed the damnable practice of slavery and neither do I believe in holding the present generation accountable for the sins of previous generations, regardless of skin color. Got that?

Willie Lynch is a lie. It is a hateful lie. It is a racist lie. It is a hoax and there's no excuse or justification for perpetuating it, passing it off as truth - none.



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