

Furbies And The Call Of Duty

The first furby to come to Jessica Smith's to stay, was a diminutive little fellow whom she named Sundown. It had been the first thing Jessica heard him say.

Sundown was much smaller, and had more rounded ears than the standard adult furbies. He had no tail, but he had a very fluffy mane going down his back.

Jessica was always good to him, and in turn, he sometimes helped her out when she needed it. He proved to be a great success at entertaining a small and unpredictable child who stayed over at Jessica's for a couple of days. That was as much a surprise to Jessica as it was to him, since the child seemed otherwise determined to test Jessica's patience at every turn.

Little did Sundown know that would get him promoted to mission work until Jessica came to him one day with a message.

"Sundown, are you interested in a job?"

"What kind of job?" Sundown asked, putting one ear back and one forward, curiously.

"Kicking butt."

"Huh? How's that?" He said incredulously as he hopped closer and looked intently at Jessica. "You're asking me to do that kind of work, what are you after, mice?"

Jessica smirked. "In a manner of speaking, yes."

Sundown shuddered. "If you're talking about that hamster who bit you in the pet shop the other day, I'll have to beg off on that one."

Jessica winced. "No, no, nothing like that. I wouldn't even give a piranha a chance against that little demon, let alone deliberately get a friend exposed." Noting Sundown's relief, she continued with a bemused smile. "I was actually talking about a human. This guy named Justin."

"well, Jess, that's a new one on me."

"This guy is a mousy little creep. Come on, I'll show you his story."

Jessica went into her room with Sundown perched on her shoulder. She took her smartphone off its charger and went into her email. It took a few moments, but finally she said, "Here it is.," she said, "read it yourself, and tell me what you think."

Sundown studied the email message that was displaying on the screen. It told a story about a horribly clingy guy named Justin, who was determined to force Maggie, who did not love him, into a life of marriage to him.

Jessica watched Sundown as he read, his ears stiffening and moving back and forth in irritation, his bright mane flare out more than usual, and the look of curiosity on his face was replaced by one of pronounced displeasure.

When he was through, Sundown gave a soft growl and turned toward Jessica. What a creep. I'll do what I can."

"Great. I'll let Beth and Hannah at Mission HQ know to count you in. Beth is sending one of her furbies as well. You're to ambush Justin tonight."

"Hold it. Questions." Sundown interjected, hopping from Jessica's arm on top of her head.

"Yeah? And get off my head, you rascal." Jessica chuckled, playfully batting him so he tumbled.

"Whoa!" he laughed. "Just a friendly reminder to use it, Jess." Sundown quipped as he rolled himself upright again.

"Oh you!" Jessica declared in mock annoyance. "So what's the question?"

"Where am I going, exactly, and how am I to get there?"

"Don't worry. Beth and Hannah will get you there and back.

So trouncing the criminally possessive Justin was Sundown's and Pumpkin Jack's first collaboration on a mission.

For a time, life went on as normal for Jessica and Sundown, without much adventure until one morning when another email message from Hannah showed up.

Jessica read it over her morning tea, then went to tell Sundown the news.

He was still sleeping on the dresser when a familiar hand gently nudged and rocked him.

Sundown's eyes flickered open, and he yawned.

"Would you like something to eat?" Jessica asked.

"Sure, just leave me a bit of your breakfast as usual, and I'll come get it later." Sundown responded drowsily.

Jessica shook her head.

"What's up?" the furby asked.

"Well - it's - " Jessica sighed. "Something I'd like to talk about when you're more awake."

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing directly to do with us, but it's something your help is being requested to put right."

"Oh, sounds like another mission."

"Exactly." Jessica smiled. "C'mon, I'll tell you about it over breakfast." She picked him up and carried him into the kitchen. He was still too groggy to object to this, and would've climbed or jumped onto her shoulder or else scurried along with her if he had been more awake.

Jessica made toast and a bowl of cereal, gave Sundown his cereal on a spoon, and let him tear off as big a piece of toast from a slice as he wanted. She poured a little tea into a small bottle cap.

They sat and ate for a while, and finally Sundown asked, "So what sort of brat are we dealing with this time?"

Jessica shook her head. "Uh, there's no we or us, Sundown, Hannah thinks you can handle this one on your own."

The furby raised his eyebrows. So what am I up against?"

"A killer." came Jessica's answer. And from what I can make out, if you don't feel up to the task, Hannah will end him herself."

"Killer? Of what?"

"You might want to read about it yourself."

Once again, Jessica got her smartphone and presented Sundown with a display of information, the killer's story, and Hannah's ideas.

Sundown's reaction was even more incensed than it had been when he had learned about Justin in the previous mission. "That is one sick low-life. I'm in. That creep is really making me mad." Again with the growl and the flared out mane. But this time, he bared his teeth, and the fire in his eyes couldn't be mistaken for anything other than wanting to sink those teeth into the monster who was responsible for this violence and terror.

But instead of Sundown being transported anywhere, Hannah would transport the killer right outside Jessica's residence that night, since he was already believed to be skulking somewhere in Jessica's home town.

Operation Lickman was a success.

More time passed, and then one day, another message came in from Mission HQ. This time, Hannah and Beth were wanting to take on Jeff The Killer among others, and Jeff had threatened someone named Jessica in a public post after killing a girl and a detective. Hannah just didn't know which Jessica, so she sent messages to the ones she knew of.

When Sundown found out, he said Jeff was in a pile of trouble with him for threatening his best friend. No hesitation, and no questions asked.

So there were more communications among Jessica, Hannah and Beth, and they all decided it was a great idea to inflict a little furby wrath on Jeff the Killer.

Then, Jessica had an idea.

She went looking up furbies online to see if she had missed anything new since Sundown's arrival during the first furby craze.

Boy, had she ever!

There was a myriad of different kinds of furbies who had shown up since 2012 on, adults, babies, which were now called furblings, and the most curious group, the party rockers. It was this group that piqued Jessica's interest, and gave her the idea to acquire more furbies to help Sundown out against Jeff The Killer. Sundown was cool with the idea, so Jessica went ahead and pitched it to Mission HQ. They too, were in favour.

as the weeks passed, more furbies arrived at Jessica's, and Beth and Hannah continued laying their plans.


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